
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Update on the Blog Front.

Dear Reader,

I am in the process of preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo. It looks like it is going to be a challenging year for writing. I have set my bar at finishing projects instead of creating something new whole cloth. Among the projects I am going to be focusing on finishing is the handbook to divination that I started a few years ago. It is about a third of the way done. It was another Camp NaNoWriMo project that just never got completed. I'll be doing two projects at once, actually. I'm going to be working on the handbook and working on finishing book seven of a fantasy series that I have been writing.

This month, I am working on getting ready for Camp NaNoWriMo. This includes finishing the manuscript that I have almost completed. (Seriously, a week of work and it will be done. Possibly less if I can get myself going on it.) I will attempt to get myself into the habit of serious writing again through blog posting. I need some help and input from you, however. I have a poll going. Please participate. This will help me to determine what topics you find most interesting and useful. The results will be tallied in two weeks.

Based on the results, I will adjust my posting format to emphasize the most popular topics. I am always open to suggestions and requests.

Thank you for participating in my poll and for reading my blog.

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