
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Practical Witchery: Making a Sand Trap for Harmful/Unwanted Energies.

 Dear Reader,

While it is the holiday season, there is a lot of envy, jealousy, spite, and just plain meanness going around. This kind of mindset powers what's known as the 'evil eye' and can lead to your luck turning a bit sour. It seems to be a bit worse with how fractious politically things are right now and just the bitterness that many have over this Covid-19 business. I was going to post something different this week, but my guides insisted that I really should share a passive defensive measure that one can take to stop these unwanted energies from disrupting their homes, which should be a sanctuary of peace, safety, and respite from the outside world.

For this spell, you will need a small jar, sand of two different colors, a small amount of pebbles, and a small amount of something sharp (thorns, broken pottery, shattered glass, or tacks all work well). Layer the sand with the pebbles and bits of sharp things between the layers of sand. As you work, focus on the sand and pebbles grounding the energy being thrown at you and your home. The sharp things are defensive measures that acts like a psychic hedge of spears around your home that will discourage those who would consider working against you or your family.

When the jar is full of these things, twist on the lid and put it somewhere that it can be seen from the outside of your home. Mine is sitting in a window that looks out on the entryway of the apartment building. This is one of those spells that you don't need to refresh. It acts as an energy sink and is constantly powered by the spite poured in your direction. The more energy thrown at it, the more effective it becomes at grounding, disbursing, and redirecting the energy into passive defense of your home.

(Note: This may be the second time I've posted this spell. The archives go back a bit on this blog and I am still trying to organize them.)

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