
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

I've got nothing witty or insightful today.

Dear Reader,

I was all set to write a post for some economical tricks you can use in your occult practices but that went out of my head as it became clear that I have some serious problems to deal with regarding access to some of the diabetes medication. Please forgive me for a moment as I veer a hard left from the typical topic matter of this blog.

Insurance companies are retconning decisions made by doctors on the basis of money, not anyone's health. We've struggled to get medications approved when suddenly they denied me access to something I had been on for the last four years. There was no reason given, just an imperious decree that I am no longer allowed to take that medication. I know I'm not the only person this happens to. There are literally millions of people with chronic illnesses that the insurance company yanks the rug out from under them on a daily basis.

Throw in on top of this supply chain issues and it gets ugly fast. Some people say this is all because of Covid. I think that Covid ripped the mask of security off of the pharmaceutical industry. I think these problems have always been with us. Covid made some of them worse. But, having our health held hostage by insurance companies that can randomly say we can't have our medication with out having to explain why is bullshit. For a long time I have said that health insurance is a protection racket. Sure, you could try to go with out insurance. That's how we lost all our savings when I first got diagnosed with my illnesses. We are slowly building it back up, since we have got the govt. run health insurance through the state, but it's going to take a while.

(Yes, I am disabled. No, I don't get Social Security. They decided I wasn't disabled enough to qualify.) 

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