
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Blessed Eastre, Blessed Ostara, and Happy Spring.

Dear Reader,

To my friends in the Filianic and Déanic communities, I wish you a happy Eastre. To my Wiccan and other pagan friends who celebrate it, I wish you a happy Ostara. And to everyone else, I wish you a happy spring. I'm a little late with my post because I have been somewhat under the weather. I've been hard at work also on prepping books for you.

The newest revision of Rose Petals is up on Amazon. I chose to publish through the Kindle Direct Publishing platform because it is more compatible with everyone's chosen e-readers. There is a paperback version also available but I think the e-book is going to be the first choice. These are slightly more expensive than if I had gone through Lulu but the quality and ease of access makes up for it. This revision contains the 'songs' that I had been writing over the last several months.

The first volume of my ritual book series is up as an e-book. The paperback is still under review. When it goes live, I'll post the link to it. The first volume of the series focuses on Filianic centered rituals and rites. The first half of the book is focused on personal devotional practices. The second is a guide for public rituals and proposed rites for things like tending sacred space. The book is rounded out with a partial book of hours.

I am still working on a full book of hours for the Filianic community. I know that we have people who work a really wide range of schedules. As such, they may not be awake at dawn to pray the prayers for the hour of Aurora but they may be up in the late hours of the night to pray the prayers of Vigil or Matins. I honestly can't say when I am going to have the book of hours completed. It's proving to be a particularly challenging writing task. It will be published through Amazon.

The next volume of the ritual book series is currently in vague draft stage. It will be focused upon Wiccan centered rituals and rites. These books are intended to be a starting point for building ones own rituals and creating a body of work focused upon fostering greater devotional practices and spiritual welfare in the community.

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