
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Practical Witchery: Basic Sigil magic

Dear Reader,

There is a great many posts on how to do sigil magic. It is a highly individualized and artistic form of magic. Some sigils are made using sigil wheel. Others are made by writing out the intention and striking out repeating letters. Once this step is complete, an abstract design is made using the shapes of the individual letters left. Sigils of this design have a great deal in common with bindrunes. Sigils can also be formed using symbolic pictograms.

Activating a sigil can be as simple or complex as the caster desires. One may carve the sigil into a candle and burn the candle completely to activate it. One may write the sigil on a piece of paper and burn it to activate it. Or one may choose to carry the sigil on their person until what it is designed for manifests.There are as many ways to activate a sigil as there are to cast a spell.

A sigil is used to jumpstart the unconscious mind in locating the desired result. Through the ritual of creating and activating the sigil, one impresses the desire into their unconscious mind. With focused attention and a measure of self hypnosis, one may have a highly effective result from their sigil magic.

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