
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

A Sigil for Love & Protection

 Dear Reader,

This sigil incorporates the rune for Freyr, a patron deity of stable and loving relationships from the Norse pantheon. You begin the sigil by drawing his rune, Ing. You then create a heart that is overlapped by the rune. I added a dot beneath the center of the rune as an aesthetic element.

Above the heart, you place a crown that represents Freyr's kingship and royal status. Beneath the rune, you draw the rune Gifu/Gebo. This you turn into a pair of crossed arrows. The crown represents Freyr's authority to act as a leadership and protection figure. (Remember, the social contract between royalty and their subjects required the royalty to act in their subjects best interests and to defend them.) The rune of Gifu/Gebo represents the gifts that come from any loving relationship. Turning this rune into crossed arrows invokes protection against slander and harm, the proverbial and literal arrows that others would cast against you being blocked by the gifts of Freyr.

I apologize for the poor photo quality, I haven't the best camera or lighting to work with. Remember, extend the upper and lower portions of the rune Ing outside of the heart. And remember to draw Gifu/Gebo first before turning it into arrows. Aside from that, add any ornamentation that makes this sigil yours and unique to you. It could be more hearts. It could be additional sigil elements that focus this rather general purpose sigil into a specific need oriented sigil.

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