Dear Reader,
I have spent months reading, researching, and attempting to make sense of a single line from the teaching in the Clear Recital : The Three Loves. I have discovered this teaching is missing from the Gospel of Our Mother God. I have found that it is present in all other versions of the Clear Recital, including the one I was head editor on. At the time I was working on the Children of Déa version of the Clear Recital, I was focused on improving language and format. I and my team did our very best to include as much of our research into the book.
One can imagine my surprise as I was reading the CDV's version of the Three Loves and I came upon this line.
And rightfully it has been said that your soul shall be placed in the balance against a feather, and if the beam tip even by a fraction are you condemned. CDV: The Three Loves, Verse46; Page 104, lines 4-8
I immediately sought my other copies of the Clear Recital. Word for word, this line was present in each copy except for the Gospel of Our Mother God. I then turned to the Opera Omina for some form of exposition upon this line. I found nothing to help me interpret it in either volume. This was a large disappointment. I then began looking through the digital library of the Society for Filianic Studies via the Wayback Machine internet archive. I found a great deal of discourse about politics but little about theology and nothing to clarify this line.
Thus I was forced to sit in contemplation and try to puzzle out the answer to the questions that arose from this line. These questions are:
- Who places our souls in this scale?
- Which direction of the beam tipping are we facing damnation?
- Who judges this scale?
- How does this condemnation/damnation effect our eternal rescue from Khear by the Daughter?