
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Divination: Tarot Tour - The Tower

This week's card is the Tower and it comes from The Witches Tarot by Ellen Cannon Reed and Martin Cannon. The Tower is a card that has a well earned reputation for trouble. At its most benevolent aspect, the Tower speaks of sudden, painful illumination and revelations that force growth. At its most negative aspect, the Tower speaks of catastrophe.

This card is generally considered to be positively aspected when it is upright, but depending on its position within a reading it can still carry the heavy weight of its negative elements. Reversed is always negatively oriented and can speak of yet greater challenges depending on where it falls in a spread. This is a card to be regarded with caution when it pops up in a reading.

In the Fool's Journey, the Tower is a place of reckoning where the Fool faces the major crisis of their journey. As we know, all stories have their crisis and climax moments. This is one of them for the Fool and possibly the querent who is getting their reading.

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