
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Toxic Masculinity vs. the Divine Masculine

 Dear Reader,

In a chat group I am a part of, one member expressed some distress over the idea of interacting with the Divine Masculine. This saddened me. The fact that toxic masculinity is so prevalent in so many places that it makes the thought of the Divine Masculine a source of distress is tragic. Some people argue that the Divine Masculine is war-like, power hungry, and dismissive of their people unless constantly placated with servile displays of devotion. This projection of the traits of toxic masculinity upon the Divine Masculine is precisely what drives people away from him in his various forms.

The Divine Masculine is not a club to beat worshippers into submission, though there are parties out there who use the threat of the Divine Masculine's potency to do exactly that. At the core of things, the Divine Masculine is equal to the Divine Feminine. They are two halves of the same coin, in some ways. The Divine Masculine is as nurturing, loving, and supportive as the Divine Feminine. The Divine Masculine is as protective of worshippers as the Divine Feminine. 

Where does this image of the Divine Masculine as a vengeful entity come from? Where does this image of the Divine Masculine deriving pleasure or some measure of satisfaction from harm that is wrought in their name come from? This is projected on to the Divine Masculine by institutions and people who are in positions of power that seek to use the Divine Masculine as a tool to manipulate and subjugate others. This is a cultural attitude that does not match the nuanced reality. The Divine Masculine has no need for machismo or other attitudes intended to prove dominance.

Are there war-like gods? Yes, masculine, feminine, and intersex ones. Are there gods that have high demands of their followers? Yes, regardless of their gender identification there are gods like this. This is because gods are infinite in their complexity and not so neatly defined by a single culture's concept of gender politics. 

We must correct the problems within our culture that make the concept of masculinity terrifying for many. It is only when we confront toxic masculinity that we open our eyes to see what masculinity really is. The gods are more than what we project on them. If we project toxic masculinity onto the Divine Masculine, we limit our ability to perceive the Divine Masculine more clearly because we are forcing all other possibilities out of our perception.

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