
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Yay, it's Winter Break time.

Dear Reader,

It's Winter Break for the kids. They'll be off from school all week. The last several hours have been exasperating. It doesn't help that it's pretty cold out and booting them outside to play isn't the best idea right now. Neither does it help that someone in the building is painting and the fumes are coming up into my apartment. Did I mention that there's a dentist appointment today as well? To say the least, I am rather frustrated and having a hard time finding where my tarot deck that I was going to use for this week's card has gone off to. I can't find my bullet journal where I have my rough notes for my blog posts written out. And I have somehow run out of coffee.

And it's only Monday. Gods help me when summer comes, because I don't know how I'm going to get any writing done when I am playing the role of debate manager and breaking up fights between two bored preteens. I'll try to get the tarot post up a bit later in the evening but it might come tomorrow. It all depends on how that dentist appointment goes and if I have the spoons this evening to type up the post.

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