
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Prepping for major research.

 Dear Reader,

I now have a fresh copy of The Gospel of Our Mother God. (What I had hoped were minor notation errors in the previous edition remain and more evidence as I review my .pdf of the NCUV and other sources shows that they did edit out a great deal of material.) I now have a hard copy of the ECE. Sometime this week, my hardcopy of the NCUV will be arriving.

My plan is to read all three again and start cross referencing material. I want to get to the things that are consistent across all three book. I want to compare and contrast the things that are different and attempt to understand the differences in them. I could be doing this right now with the .pdf of the NCUV but it is hard for me to read it on my kindle because the type font used is so small. It is my hope with a hardcopy in hand, it will be easier to read. 

I want to draw out of the three texts the core belief structure of Filianism and Déanism. I want to clarify the things that were confusing in the Gospel of Our Mother God. And I want to learn as much as I can to be a better priestess to Déa. It is beginning to become clear to me that I am in the process of building another sect of Filianism. This was not my goal. I did not want to be on this path and it makes me very uncomfortable. I go, however, where Déa sends me. I do my best to follow her will.

I just wanted to learn more. And She has given me things to write. I've been busy with the kids and avoiding it, but the pressure is becoming greater. So, I will bend to her will as grass does to the wind and move according to what my Lady desires. I shall not fear for I know that Déa is all good and that which comes from her hand is always good for the world. I ask only for patience because I am moving as a blind person in an unfamiliar room.

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