
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Delayed post & an update!

Photo from
Dear Reader,

I have to delay my post about the athame by a day. I put it away in a really safe place and am having
a little trouble finding it so I can post the photo that goes with the article. I should have the post up by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.

I have been working on eBooks. Right now, there are eBook versions of Rose Petals: A Filianic Psalter and A Year With Dea (northern and southern hemisphere editions) available on There are some small format issues I need to fix for it to be more widely available on sites like Amazon. Honestly, though, it is less expensive to pick it up at

The eBook of Drowning in Light will be coming out next month. I'm on final edits right now. This will be the short form of Drowning in Light. The long form will be available in eBook and paperback in Autumn. I am presently working on another set of devotional writings as well. My goal is to have an eBook focused on the Filianic rosary out in late November. If I'm lucky, it will have far fewer format issues than I've been running into thus far.

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