
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

NaBloPoMo 5: Cord Magic.

 Dear Reader,

Cord magic is something that gets mentioned as a really simple thing. At it's most basic level, cord magic is as simple as tying knots with intentions and then untying the with intentions. You can, however, delve deeper into this category of magic. Crafting with string or yarn is a for of cord magic if you're impressing your intentions into what you are making. (Like the best damn baby blankie in town that puts the colicky tot to sleep every time you wrap 'em up.) Sewing is a form of cord magic if you are impressing your intentions into each stitch. If you want to move away from sewing and get into stuff like embroidery, you have more complex stitches that gives you more opportunities to cast spells as you work. And then there is spinning, where you're literally making your thread or yarn with intention. Let us not forget the second oldest form of cord magic, cord making. If you're using a tool like a lucet, you are making a TON of knots to fashion your cord out of string. Each knot can be a spell component or a full spell in itself.

Don't limit your cord magic to just tying a few knots in a string. Branch out into the different possibilities. You may find that there's a form that works even better for you.

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