
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Nativity & Yule have passed. What now?

 Something of a personal post today because I have been so busy that I haven't had time to come up with anything for the topic of Divination. If I can, later today, I will post a reading for the Filianic community at large. I had wanted to do one draw each day of Nativity to give an overview of what the corresponding month is bringing next year. That didn't happen. I wanted to do a reading for the heathen community at large and the lokean community, but that didn't happen.

I've been so busy knitting and finishing projects that I haven't had time. When I wasn't doing that, I was cleaning. I'm still in this position because I have a bear to finish for my younger son and a sweater to sew together for my eldest son when it is done blocking. It has all together been frustrating and dealing with crisis after to crisis for the last month has been grueling. Gods only know what's coming next.


  1. Hi! I have a question: so I have Asperger’s and I believe that there is a female version of myself that is a goddess and I want to become a priest of her. I’m a big fan of your blog and I was wondering if you could say a prayer (in a comment below) for me to become a priest of her. It would mean a lot to me if you could. Thanks!

  2. Hello Friend,

    There is no need for me to say a prayer or write an incantation. You have the ability to engage this part of yourself already. Through discussion with this part of yourself and sincere self reflection, you shall find that this part of yourself desires connection. It may be that this deific part of you desires you to be a monastic person or something different on their behalf.

    I advise keeping a journal and using two different color pens to record the communication between yourself and your goddess self. She will reveal the path that you are to take. It may be that something more wonderful awaits you than you realized.
