
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Wishing a blessed Epiphany to you.

Dear Reader,

I sincerely wish you and yours a blessed Epiphany day. And a happy New Year to all of you who are not celebrating Epiphany. Within Filianism, Epiphany is the day of the revelation of the Daughter in her Mother's arms. It is the final celebration of the Nativity season. It is also the Name Day of the Daughter, for the scriptures read that the Mother pronounces:
Her Name shall be called Inanna
For She shall be Lady of Heaven.
It has been a challenging season for myself and my family. Illness has been making the rounds and proving difficult to shake. At the same time, however, there has been a good deal of peace and calmness to our Nativity/Yule celebration that may have helped everyone get better a little faster.

Epiphany is a Greek word that means revelation of something that was hidden. In modern common usage within then English language, epiphany continues to retain that meaning but has also acquired the meaning of sudden insight and understanding. It is my hope that epiphany day has not only brought upon us the blessings of knowing Dea more fully through the Daughter but a sense of insight and understanding of the goodness within humanity through Dea. For the scriptures teach that the human heart is a microcosm of the universe and Dea is present within us as well. May it be that the light of epiphany allow us to see Dea's presence in others and honor her in all ways.

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