
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

On the 10th day of Nativity my true love gave to me...

A cold.

Pretty much the entirety of Nativity this year has been quiet and not terribly festive. The kids have been sick. Beloved has been sick. And now I have a cold. On the other hand, everyone loved their gifts that I gave them and the kids still had a good time despite having the flu last week. Beloved is fully recovered from it and back at work. I am optimistic that by the time Distaff day rolls around next week, I'll be over this cold.

I made plans to rest for Nativity. Take some time off and relax. It turned into the sort of rest you get when the four of swords pops up in your tarot reading instead of the rest that comes when you get the ten of cups. It makes me curious if this is an omen of how the coming year is going to fare. I make plans and those plans come to fruition but not in the way I anticipated.

Also, I have learned something about myself. I have no idea how to relax. I've been half stir crazy because I'm not knitting or making something. I put away all of my project books. I am only doing little tiny things like washcloths that I can finish in a day because they lower my stress levels. I finished all of my unfinished projects from last year right before Nativity. So I have nothing to finish. It's driving me bonkers. I'm making myself wait until Distaff day to start spinning again or to start planning out birthday and Yule presents.

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