
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Moura - Day 16: I hate my calendar.

Dear Reader,

If you're keeping score, I messed up the dates of the week again. I was looking at the calendar on my phone and it had today marked as Med-Moura. Which is inaccurate because it is a leap year and Med-Moura was yesterday. It's vexing to try to keep things straight when you're thinking through mud at the same time. I'm still sick. Beloved did the dishes for me when he got home from work and was so kind as to pick up dinner for me on the way home. I feel generally awful and exhausted. This makes me feel like I am a morally bad person because I'm not still working on things like housework and such. I wasn't raised in the most supportive environment when I was younger and being sick was treated like an insult against my parents. It's had lasting effects on how I view myself and my ability to get things done when I am sick.

Working through that baggage is part of what Frey and Loki have had me doing for the last several months. It's exhausting work and painful. But, it is necessary and they do help me through the process. As Loki has said to me: If you can't tell a deity, who can you tell? They're both pushing me to focus on rest and recovery while I am sick. Light housework is ok but anything more than the bare necessities gets me a stern look and things going haywire. They don't go haywire to the point that stuff breaks but things just stop working properly and I have to take a break.

I wish that I could set up the calendar so that it had the correct dates of things for leap years and non-leap years. I can only imagine how vexing adjusting the calendar is for folks in the Southern Hemisphere. They have a larger number of dates on the Filianic calendar impacted by the Julian leap year. It's aggravating. I prefer the Filianic calendar because it makes more sense but everybody else uses the Julian calendar. So, in my planner, I have to have the dates for both written out. But, I make mistakes and get things screwed up in my planner because I use my phone to help me set up my planner at the beginning of every month on the Julian calendar. It's a major headache.

I'm rambling now. I can't think very clearly because this virus has me mildly febrile and loopy. Just enough of a fever that it makes me uncomfortable but not enough of one to be concerned. And loopy enough that I have the attention span of a butterfly. So, I'm going to wander along and work on my prayer shawl as I wait for the tylenol to kick in and hopefully make the body aches go away.

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