
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Moura - Day 17: Go away, stupid virus.

Dear Reader,

I'm still under the weather. This has put a significant damper on my cleaning efforts. I confess, I have been feeling a great deal of exasperation and like a failure because of it. At which point, I realize, I have more emotional housekeeping to do and baggage to unpack. This seems to be the theme of Moura this year, along with random things going wrong for no apparent reason. I serviced my non-electric sweeper. Now the blasted thing won't work. I'm half tempted to throw it away, but I know that is not a solution to the problem.

The massive pile of laundry is finally under control. Thanks to Beloved's help, the dishes are far more manageable. Thanks to inspiration from Loki and Freyr, I pre-cooked dinner for tonight yesterday. I'm still feeling tired and spending my time doing low impact activities. This includes reading and transcribing Scriptures. I just finished transcribing the Holy Mythos of the Daughter. I have begun work on transcribing the Heart of Water. I'm working from NCUV and The Gospel of Our Mother God. I kinda wish I had hard copy of both because reading text off of the screen is making my eyes bother me. Reading glasses help, but it's still exasperating.

Right now, I'm just tired and unsure what to do. I'm tempted to resume working on the transcription stuff. At the same time, I am feeling a pull to work on the prayer shawl or the two charity projects that I've gotten started (one scarf and one baby hat). I really am tempted to take a nap, but now is not the time for it. If I am going to get anything done before the kids get home, it will have to be now.

Yesterday was a really challenging day with the kids. I don't know what's going on, but they were fighting quite a bit. Loki assures me this is a phase they're going through and a bit of cabin fever. It's the screaming that grates on my nerves. But, this too shall pass. At least they've gotten used to the new rule that the have to clean their room for 30 minutes every day before they get tv time. That made for a brutal two weeks, let me tell you.

I just want this virus I have to go away so that I have the energy to do more stuff. I feel like I am falling behind and this is making me anxious.

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