
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Moura - day 11: The laundry has taken over, please send halp!

Dear Reader,

I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. My morning was busy trying to make a dent in the dishes and setting up my planner for the month of March. Then it was off to the in-laws to drop the kids off before Beloved and I had a lunch date. We talked about a bunch of things and generally enjoyed a little break from the kids. I think we need to do this more often than every few months but life keeps getting in the way of making that happen.

The weather has been just plain odd. I think we're on the south side of a storm system that's brewing right now. It's about 20 deg F warmer than usual right now. The yard is nothing but mud, but I was able to find all the missing parts to Beloved's nifty new squirrel baffle that got knocked down in the wind storm last week. My boys are frustrated with the fact that they've been stuck indoors from the weather and I think they've got a case of cabin fever. We all can't wait for spring to hurry up and get here.

Beloved did laundry Saturday evening. That was when it became apparent that my dresser was just this side of completely empty and ALL my laundry but what was on my back was in the wash. The couch is covered in laundry right now in various stages of folded. I had to take a break, though. I think I'm going to have dreams of folding laundry. I'm only 1/3 of the way done. And we haven't started on the kids' laundry. This is why I'm folding laundry now because there's no way I could get it done at the same time as the kids.

All that cleaning I did in my kitchen last week has gone to pot(s). We had a fun weekend of cooking but the dishes piled up pretty quickly. So I'm going to be busy this evening instead of writing stuff as I had hoped to be doing. I'm making reasonable headway on getting the bathroom sorted out. I confess, I am intimidated by the state of the tub and I'm working on everything else first. I'm debating washing the walls down before I clean the tub (when I highly doubt that is necessary). I will get the procrastinating out of the way as soon as I get the laundry and dishes under control.

My spiritual discipline of focusing on the moment has been challenging. My c-ptsd has been making that difficult, as has the anxiety problem that I have. But I am doing my best, which is all that anyone (even deities) can ask of me. I prayed the rosary today. On Mondays, I try to pray it at least once. Ideally, I do it three times. Once for Marya, once for Anna, and once for Deam Mysterium. I got my first two cycles done. Then I got caught up in chores and doing things like scheduling doctors appointments. I may be praying to Deam Mysterium this evening before I go to bed, if I am not so brain fried that I forget.

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