
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Regarding changes in The Children of Déa Version of The Clear Recital.

 Dear Reader,

My work on this version of The Clear Recital was challenging. I spent a good deal of time adapting the language for our contemporary era. Recognizing that I hadn't the capacity to generate a version that was easily a pocket rendition, I focused on doing my best to preserve the essence of the texts and clarify the document in the light of mystical revelations that had come to many of us in the community over the last five years. I know that there are elements of these revelations that I have missed because my records are incomplete. At the same time, I knew that these revelations, especially regarding the narrative of Creation and of the Daughter's descent into the realm of the Dark Queen had to be incorporated because they answered vital questions.

I took the time to carefully examine the wisdom texts. Recognizing that the guidance provided in the wisdom texts were focused upon Madrian household structures, I carefully studied them and looked at the predominant social structures around me. Then, I reinterpreted the elements focused upon the Madrian household structure to be more applicable to the modern household structure and the social structure of the communities we live in. I was careful to update the language to make it welcoming to all people of all genders while retaining the essence of the teachings.

I prayed a great deal as I was working through this project and consulted as much of the existent literature as I could. I also sought clarification through the divination of third parties who were not involved with the matter in any fashion. I knew that their unbiased position would make it easier for me to receive Déa's instruction on various points than doing my own divination work. (Although, I did engage in divination on my own to answer questions that arose as I was working. And I found my findings confirmed in the workings of others, which was reassuring.)

There are some elements of the narrative of Creation that depart from other accounts. I was hesitant to include them, despite receiving signs to do so, until I encountered a document from Sr. Angelina that spoke of the Janyati and how some of them move through the World to guide us. I knew that there needed to be a distinction between the terrestrial Janyati and the celestial Janyati. As such, the terrestrial ones are named 'the elder kin' in the narrative of Creation and in the narrative of the Daughter. At times, the term 'primordial gods' is used interchangeably with 'elder kin' to describe the relationship between humanity and the terrestrial Janyati. 

Just as the celestial Janyati are emanations of Déa's power and light, considered by some sects as additional facets of Déa, so too are the terrestrial Janyati. The terrestrial Janyati are tied to the World through their decision to descend into the World to protect and guide the mortal children of Déa through the period that the Daughter is not present yet in the world. 

Because the abyss of khear is present the terrestrial Janyati are impacted by the distance between them and Déa. This gives rise to strife due to the machinations of the Snake, which ultimately leads to the fall of one of the terrestrial Janyati into the netherworld and their renouncement of the others and Déa. This fallen Janyati becomes the Dark Queen, whose companion is the Snake. 

It is evident, I think, that the Snake remains a liminal, menacing figure that is both the False Self and the force which would draw all into the abyss if possible. The Snake is a shape-shifting figure that moves between the different elements of reality seeking to beguile and destroy the children of Déa. And, despite the efforts of the terrestrial Janyati to keep an eye on it, they too are drawn into the strife that the Snake leaves in its wake. As the Snake is a being that speaks of the things that are false, in one passage it is given the by-name of the Whisperer.

It is my understanding, as I can parse from the documents of they who have come before me to this holy work, that the Janyati may appear to us in any guise. As humanity moved farther from Déa, the terrestrial Janyati moved with us to continue to point us back towards her. For this reason, the plurality of world religions developed. All signs point back to Déa. All teachings, no matter how they have been shaped through human hands and interpretation, point back to Déa and her rule of Love. Conflict arises from misunderstanding. Conflict arises from they who would put themselves above others when there is no justification for this.

The passage speaking of tyrants remains more or less intact. While I know that the Madrian community viewed democracy with some suspicion, I believe we have seen what becomes of mob rule and that is what is being warned against in that part of the wisdom texts. The passage speaking of chastening the errant with a willow rod has been adapted to a less violent structure, because we recognize that beating people for their errors is an equally grievous error. 

The parables remain intact. There has been no change to gendered language of the parables. These are stories that only make sense in the format that they have traditionally been presented. As such, there was no need to adapt them.

In conclusion, that which has been added has been things that have been revealed to the community over the last five years. That which has been changed is for the sake of making the holy texts easier to read and more welcoming to all people who wish to seek Déa through them. I submit this work to the community in the hope that people like my children or my Beloved may find them a refuge from the world's harshness. I present it with the humble hope that I have opened the texts up to a wider audience that will make it possible for them to be translated some day into other languages with greater ease.

May it be a comfort to you and may Déa bless you through it.

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