
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Eight day of Moura: So behind on my household stuff!

Dear Reader,

Because of my chronic health conditions, I have to juggle a lot of book keeping. I have my blood sugar to monitor daily. I have my mental health symptoms to log daily. And then there's just keeping up a record of what's going on for the kids with school. All of this, before you factor in the actual book keeping that most people think of - the budget and what not. I've been unwell for a little while now.

I thought that I was more or less on top of things, because brain fog duped me into thinking that. Well, here I am a bit more clear headed and good gracious are things a mess in the book keeping arena. My food journal hasn't been updated over the last week. My daily planner is ... well, let's just say that the last time I updated anything in it it was during the first week of February / the mid-Brighe. So, I'm sitting here trying to make all of this organized and tidy again. And I have to plan for next week.

Did I mention that I'm still behind on filing papers? Some how January went by with out my putting a single scrap of paper away in the correct place. By some small miracle, I didn't misplace any of the bills or important letters. And those things got dealt with promptly. I spent most of my morning dealing with sorting out the mass of papers sitting on the desk. I'm now down to school related paperwork for the kids and the planning paperwork for Beloved's parents' anniversary party in August. (And that is so complicated, it's like planning a wedding. Thank goodness his siblings are helping us plan. It's a team effort and I'm thankful for it.)

As for my cleaning in the bathroom, I swept the room with a glance when I was last in there and took a moment to water plants. I know that doesn't count as cleaning in any fashion, but I'm planning on spending a half hour in there working as the kids are doing their chores. I figure that'll make life a little easier and maybe I can make some headway on getting that tub sorted out. I've tried a bunch of different cleaners on it, but it is still grimy. I have broken down and bought the old powdered cleaner that my parents used on their tub when I was a kid. That stuff can take paint off of a wall, so I think I might actually get the tub clean this time. If not, then it is hopelessly stained and I can't do a thing about it.

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