
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Moura - Day 12: Revenge of the Dishes.

Dear Reader,

After the last hour, I have managed to battle back the tottering pile of dishes in the sink. I have three pots to wash, two of which need a good soak before I can get to them. So, I am taking a break from that. I got a little more work done in the bathroom today. It smells of vinegar in there right now because I have a basin that I am using to soak an altar cloth in vinegar. According to the Internet, which we know is an all-wise oracle, vinegar will dissolve the candle wax that got into the fabric. I'd try acetone but the fabric is acrylic and I think the acetone would eat the fabric as well as the wax.

This morning, I spent some time writing (check out the post before this one for what came out of my pen). It was an eerie time writing because it felt like someone was dictating it to me. My mood isn't the best because I'm still recovering from a degree of burn out after folding tons of laundry yesterday. I think I pushed myself a little too far. In the process of going through the laundry, I realized that I have to give away about half of the shawls that I have made over the last few years. Beloved came up with a nifty idea - donating them to a local hospital to distribute to new mothers as nursing shawls. I'm debating between that and contacting one of the local nursing homes to see if any of the residents would like them.

It's been a grey, rainy day today. It hasn't been consistently warm enough for me to smell the sap running in the trees yet. I think, however, that's going to happen soon if this weather pattern continues. The property two doors down was filled with trees. Then about a month ago, a contractor came in and cut everything down. There's some debate as to why it happened. One suspicion is that the emerald ash borer beetle got into those trees like it did in the trees on the property that is behind our building. Another suspicion is that some one is going to be building a house there. No one really knows what's going on. I'm just concerned for the birds and wildlife. This is a dramatic drop in tree coverage here and I don't know what is going to happen for them now.

It would be really sad if my Beloved's hobby of bird watching got nuked because those trees had to get cut down. It's one of the hobbies he has that he really enjoys and we can share. Even the kids are getting involved. Just this morning, my youngest and I sat and watched the wildlife as he was waiting for the bus. We had a very involved discussion about how we now have red-tailed squirrels in our yard when we didn't have any last year. At 10 years old, he wants to be a Nature Boy and save the environment. He also wants to grow up to be an astronaut. He's ambitious and I think that'll carry him far. My 12 year old is still fixated on being a fire fighter when he grows up. He's been trying to talk me into getting him a full set of fire fighting gear for his birthday. It's been a hard sell and I know he's not going to be successful, but goodness does he try.

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