
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Update time, whee!

 Dear Reader,

As you may or may not be aware, it is National Novel Writing Month (a.k.a. NaNoWriMo). This is something that I've participated in for almost a decade. I've been sucked into a manuscript over the last few days and completely forgetting about things like housework and blogging. I apologize. I'm attempting to be more restrained in my writing sessions. I did finally get over that damned bronchitis and the sinus infection only to come down with a norovirus a few days later. That was also part of the reason why I hadn't been posting for a bit.

Theoretically, I can post from my phone but the keyboard on that thing is so small that even with my bifocals or reading glasses, I can barely tell what I'm typing. I don't know how other people do it. But, given how sick I was, I really was too loopy most of the time to come up with anything coherent. I literally said to Beloved "I unlocked the brain's screensaver mode. It's a bug, not a feature!" as I was febrile and just this side of delirious. 

I am almost finished with the print version of the Lokean devotional. I've been working on that along side the novel, which eats even more time. But, I think I've got one more section and it'll be complete. Look for it being available around the holidays, because I'm saving line edits for December. Since half of it is complete, it should go a bit faster than editing other stuff.

To the readers who have been catching things that got missed in the edits on my Filianic books (like my ordering the days of the week how I do my morning devotionals and labeling it as the orthodox days of the week), I apologize for the errors. I will work on cleaning them up and getting that out in the next edition of the books. This will be something that I'll be working on over the course of next year. I will keep you updated on how that is going. It's frustrating when things get missed in the editing process and make it into the final book. But, when you're both the author and the editor, you get a little cross-eyed during the line edits stage of the process and things will get missed.

In 2023, I hope to have all of the Filianic books up to snuff and correct in January. I also hope to have some more material for you. It's just going to take a bit of time because the notebook that I use for book planning is falling apart in a most literal fashion. This is quite the contrary from the preemie hats, though. I have been chewing my way forward on that project. I think I'm going to miss the goal of 50 hats by January 1, 2022. I do think, however, I am going to hit the goal of 100 hats by the Filianic new year.

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