
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Moura 2025 CE: Day 17

 I would have posted yesterday but I was busy with family stuff just about all day. No great tragedy has happened. I just was busy with a doctor's appointment that was running almost an hour late and then clothes shopping for the kids. My youngest (about whom we have some weight concerns) has put on 10 lbs in the last 10 days since we have started pushing stuff like desserts in front of him. My eldest has some reservations about this push to get him and his brother to eat more. I want to kick the person who planted the idea in his head that being overweight is the worst thing in the world. As a result of that, both kids are anxious about eating too much. Add on top of that the factor that they're somewhat picky about what they eat and you can guess how much difficulty we've been having getting them to eat.

I try not to worry about them but when the doctors involved in their care get concerned, I can't help but worry overtime. It's rather stressful to raise kids no matter what age they are. I suspect I will still be worrying about them when they're grown and out on their own too. I can't believe that my eldest child will be graduating high school this year. It blows my mind. I look at him and think to myself that just yesterday it seems we brought him home from the hospital as a newborn.

Time is weird like that. I wonder if the Divine has moments like this? I have no clue if they experience time like we do or not. I don't know what happens when you go from 4 dimensions to something higher. Well, not entirely. I know it takes a lot of really hard math to describe the layout and the graphs of it look really funky. Trying to describe 4+ dimensions on a 2 dimensional surface is really hard and visually confusing.

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