
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

July for Loki: Who do you love?

Loki has many faces. Loki is a complex deity on top of being gender fluid and a shape shifter. His most well known faces are the Lie-Smith and the World-Breaker. He's however more than just that. Loki is the cunning one and the sly fox of the Aesir. He is a known mischief maker. But he is also an inventive problem solver. Loki is the god of paradox. A bound god and yet walking free (because, clearly, he is some how free to roam if he's still off having adventures with Thor and visiting his people), he is a paradox. Loki is also the mother of witches. He is the father of monsters. Loki is the loving parent of the unloved children. Loki is the ambassador of the Aesir for many.

Loki is all of this and so much more.

People tend to focus only on the 'bad' parts of him. They forget that without Loki, most of the treasures of the Aesir wouldn't be there. (Neither would fishing nets if you go by the lore.) I love Loki in all of his faces and forms. Are there some that make me uncomfortable? Well, yes, but there are things about myself that make me uncomfortable. That doesn't mean that I am any less deserving of love. Just because something or someone challenges your sense of comfort doesn't mean you get to reject them for it. And that's a big part of working with and loving Loki, having your sense of comfort challenged.

I don't know about others, but I know that Loki doesn't want me complacent. Loki has expressed to me many times the sentiment "comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable" and that's been our dynamic.

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