
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Monday, May 18, 2015

An interview and resources.

Last night, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by RevKess and Kalisara of Pagan Musings Podcast. It was a truly delightful experience. They're wonderful personable and very professional. I highly recommend their program. There is quite a bit of variety in what they produce and they include tastefully relevant music selections as well.

In the course of our discussion, I mentioned that there are on-line resources for one to educate themselves about Filianism. The links I will provide here focus upon orthodox Filianism. I practice heterodox Filianism.

The Gospel of Our Mother God is available via Amazon. This is the scriptures of the faith. There is a digital variation of the Gospel that includes apocryphal texts, such as The Crystal Tablet. You can locate it here. This site was assembled by Reverend Sara Morrigan.

A Chapel of Our Mother God is the web presence of orthodox Filianism. In addition to A Chapel of Our Mother God, there is the writings of the Aristasian community, much of which links back to A Chapel of Our Mother God. The Daughters of Shining Harmony is related to the Aristasian community. Their writings are here and contain links back to A Chapel of Our Mother God.

Moving in to what I suppose one could declare 'reformed' Filianism, you have bloggers such as Rose Mayflower who discuss Filianism that is inclusive of persons of all genders. Orthodox Filianism focuses strictly upon women and all language is based on a feminine perspective. Reformed Filianism opens the body of worship up to include men. The Chapel of Our Mother God is a very well written resource that notes they offer support and information for all Filianists (alternately termed Filyani in the plura, Filyana in the singular). Still, they hold a more orthodox position then others in their writing.

Then there is myself, a heterodox Filianist who practices what could be described as 'blended' Filianism where I revere other gods alongside Dea. The wonderful thing about Filianism, as I mentioned last night, is that Dea reveals herself to the world as we may understand her. For an orthodox Filianist, the plurality of gods in this world are different ways that Dea is perceived. Some perceptions are closer to their truth then others. Hence the syncretism that happens in the iconography of Filianism in orthodox, reformed, and heterodox Filianism.


  1. This is great, I'm going to listen to the interview now! Thank you for sharing, and for giving more detail on the different types of Filianism.

  2. Thank you. I'm still in the midst of filtering out the nuances between the different variants of Filianism. It's a bit challenging with how several of the larger sects are somewhat withdrawn from the rest of the world. Much of my research into orthodox Filianism has had to rely on what I could learn about it with respect to Aristasia, which took a good amount of discretion in reading.

  3. I was so disappointed to find much of what I had hoped to read pulled from the internet, shortly after I discovered the faith. It makes me sad to see that Theapedia page and remember how full of information it looked before it all disappeared on us. :\

  4. In the works is an annotated collection of Filianic scripture and apocryphal texts. I don't anticipate having it finished until about a year or so from now. When it is complete, however, it will have what material I have been able to locate in it and notation as to the history of the texts that I can locate and interpretations of them.
