
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Dea Loves Us, Everyone.

The Filianic Sutras: The Clew of Love
Verses 8 – 12
How shall the soul attain Love?
Let her open herself to every creature in compassion and in care.
Let her seek to do no harm to any being.
Let her love extent even to those who do her hurt.
For perfect love is perfect knowledge and perfect knowledge is perfect love.

The Filianic/Déanic twittersphere has become ablaze with discorse and discord over transgender identities and their role within the Filianic/Déanic community. This is but the latest in the discussions regarding gender essentalism within this community. I confess, I am something of a contrasting figure as I am not an orthodox member of the community. In the eyes of some, I am quite likely a very poor example of a priestess of Dea. I may be these things, but I see that there is something important being forgotten by some of the more vocal mainstream community members.

Dea loves all of her children regardless of their gender. Dea's love is unconditional and pure. We are called to imitate that love within the sutra quoted above. Dea does not love her masculine children less than her feminine children. Dea does not love her transgender children less than her cisgender children. Our Mother loves all of her children equally. 

The Daughter did not descend into the abyss of Death only to safeguard a few precious souls. She was humiliated, abused, and slain for the sake of all precious souls. For the soul of every last being down to the very blades of grass beneath our feet are precious to her. There is no soul that is not worth saving or care by the Daughter's gentle hands. For the Daughter loves all of her children. As we are children of the Mother, so we are children of the Daughter, for they are one. 

Even Deam Mysterium, the holy Dark Mother mysterious whose name is unpronounceable in even the language of the Angels, loves all souls equally. In the end of days, the Deam Mysterium will gather all souls to her breast and comfort them after their long journey through the worlds of creation and the heavens. No child will be forgotten, regardless of age, race, creed, gender, or orientation. No child will be forgotten by our Mother for our Mother yearns to embrace all her children.

The questions of gender essentialism are an attempt to deny that our Mother loves those whom we struggle to love as she does. For some, it is an argument that men are inferior to women and must be brought to heel before they may attain anything resembling enlightenment of holy mysteries. For others it is an argument that transgender people are actually men attempting to steal entrance into the holy mysteries under a false guise of femininity. Similar argments are made in masculine oriented faiths, my friends. Many who would reject these arguments from the masculine oriented faiths are quick to grab them to justify their own discomfort. It is finger pointing for the sake of saying that someone is OTHER and there by less than oneself, and through lazy corralation less deserving of Dea's love.

Any who would argue that someone who is not of their tribe does not deserve Dea's love should blush with shame for they are rejecting Dea's light within the other person. Let us embrace our siblings. Let us embrace our masculine identifying siblings and welcome them into our communities as our brothers in love. Let us embrace our feminine identifying siblings and welcome them int our communities as our sisters in love. And let us embrace our siblings whose gender is not known to us as our siblings in love. For in the end, we are all one in Dea's eyes and bound together in love.

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