
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Wishing you all a blessed Epiphany!

Dear Readers,

Yule and Nativity are complete. It was a time of family and rest for my household. I spent my days working on my embroidery and my evenings doing crochet and meditating. I have one last bit of my embroidery to finish up and I think I'll have it done by this evening's end, if my children let me.

Advent was a challenging time for me. Partly because of my ongoing struggle with seasonal affective disorder caused depression and partly because of the enormous amount of effort was put in to prepare for the holidays. I also have been struggling with my computer and only recently gotten things back into some semblance of order. The manuscripts I was working on over October and November were put on hold. Now that the season of rest and celebration has passed, I am picking up the pen again.

It will be a little bit rocky as I try to get back into the swing of daily posting even as I am catching up on essentially two weeks worth of housework. I put my faith into the gods that they will guide and help me going forward as they always have.

Some of my posts going forward are going to be a bit different from past content. In some ways, I am going back to my roots. In others, I am revealing things that I have kept quiet because of my uncertainty and tendency towards being a somewhat shy and retiring individual. Still, there are things burning on my breast that I must express. I'm performing divination to determine if a few specific taboos have been lifted. If they have been, I will be explaining some things about my personal theology that are more than a little off the beaten path.

I hope that you will join me for the adventure of 2020 and that the holy mysteries continue to bring you comfort during the times of challenge that arise.

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