
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Moura 2025 CE: Day 5

 Not a very long post today. The kids are recovered from the flu. They went to school today. The weather was unseasonably warm for the last two days but it seems to have melted some of the ice covering everything underneath the snow. I'm not looking forward to later this week when the temperature plunge back down and things freeze again. 

There is a state wide road salt shortage. Stores are limiting bags of salt to two per household. Beloved tried to get an additional bag for his parents but was denied because the cashier recognized him from earlier. He may try again this evening on his way to his parents' place after work. The salt mine a few towns over is operating 24 hours in an effort to relieve some measure of the shortage. There's been advertisements in the paper that they're on a big hiring blitz. 

Working there is a hard job but they pay well and have a good benefits package from what I hear. Strong unions for the workers set up a good deal with the company. Snow plowing hasn't been like last year. The county roads are pretty messy because something was wrong in the language of the county's paperwork bidding for a contract from the state to handle the bigger roads. As a result, they've been paying their workers out of the county highway budget, not the package they were expecting from the state. It's been a challenge. Things are being renegotiated and I'm hoping it will get settled out before we get walloped with another nasty storm.

I've been resting a lot today because I am the last one to get over the flu. My guts are not in utter rebellion, which is a good thing. If this pervasive exhaustion would go away, I'd be happy. I almost didn't post my daily prayers on Tumblr but I got myself organized enough to do it by the time the afternoon rolled around. I figure if I get it posted before the end of the day, there's hope for me yet. I've been doing my best to put aside my anger with people from my Beloved's side of the family in the face of Beloved's father impending death due to complications from fatty liver disease. It's been a challenge but I seem to be pulling it off so far.

Snuggle Bug and Cuddle Bear (they're teens and are going to hate these monikers but I'm going to keep using them) are handling things ok. Snuggle Bug's immediate concerns are the kids at school that keep giving him grief over things like his style of clothes and haircut. Cuddle Bear has started talking about learning to drive. At 17, I expected the topic to come up. I am hoping that he can enroll in the school's driver's education class before he graduates this June. But that's what's on my mind today and how things are going.

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