
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Posting to Resume Soon

 Hi everybody!

I have finally crawled my way out of a major depressive episode. It took a long time and a lot of prayer, but I made it. I am profoundly thankful for the antidepressants that my doctor prescribed. Bipolar is a real bear to deal with. I think this depressive episode was longer and deeper than the last one, which Beloved seems to agree on. My sense of time is rather scrambled and I am struggling to remember what plans I had made for this blog. After flailing a bit on this front last week, I said forget it and I'll just make new plans. Which is what I'm working on.

I don't have any posts in line right now to auto load this week. As the kids are on winter break, it's going to be a bit challenging to get them done. While they are teens, they still need some supervision and guidance. I can't just throw myself into writing all day and ignore the world around me. This is a thing I do when I get into the 'zone' as I am working. I start in the morning and next thing I know, it's time for the kids to get home from school.

If you have something that you're interested in seeing up here on this blog, drop me a comment on this post. I am willing to tackle most any topic within the scope of witchcraft and religion on here. Occult studies is one of my passions as well. Also, if anyone has any book recommendations, comment. I am looking for witchy books to read and review. Until next week, I hope everyone is warm, safe, and doing well. Thanks for your readership and I will be doing more work in the near future. Right now, it's time to plan.

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