
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Moura 2025 CE: Day 9

 I apologize for not posting over the last few days. Life here has been somewhat chaotic. My father-in-law died Wednesday night in his sleep. The kids are still in a state of shock. Beloved is working very hard to make sure that his late father's wishes are respected in death by the extended family. (There's a few people trying to big foot it and assume charge over matters in complete ignorance of what the man wanted.) Beloved's siblings are working just as hard and all three of them are doing their best to support their mother, who is beside herself with grief.

I didn't sleep well last night. The concept of Beloved dying and being no longer physically present in my life disturbed me deeply. The only reason I got to thinking about that was because my parents-in-law met as children and were married almost 55 years. While Beloved is in relatively good health (as am I when all things are considered), the thought of this person I adore suddenly being gone from my life is heartbreaking. Given my very vivid imagination, the nightmares were rather realistic and tragic.

While typically, Beloved's snoring is a bit annoying, I am relieved and thankful to hear it right now. It grounds me in reality where I still have my little family and that we're all ok.

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