
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Monday, September 17, 2018


Gentle Reader,

I suppose if we were in the time of year to discuss the temptation of the Daughter in the Northern Hemisphere, I'd be doing so right now. I am, however, focusing on a more personal version. Life is full of vexation. No matter what we do, we can not escape exasperating things. It is very tempting to respond to frustration with sharp words. Society teaches us that this is right and proper and how the world should respond to irritants. If we are poked with a stick, like the bear, we should roar and swipe at the offender with our claws, or so says western society.

Temptation also manifests in our daily lives to neglect ourselves and what is healthy for us. We are tempted to eat food that tastes delicious or is very low effort, despite the fact that it is unhealthy. We are tempted to eat too much food in an effort to assuage bitter feelings of upset and anguish. We are tempted to forgo exercise for the sake of a little more time to rest, a little more time to play with our devices, or get a little more work done.

Temptation is a struggle for us. The act of resisting it can be painful, both physically and emotionally. In these moments, we should call upon the Angels/Janyati for aid. Sai Vikhë is an excellent one to ask for help in resisting temptation. This great Angel is the warrior-maid of the Janyati who is the great protector of creation from the forces of chaos. Seeking her assistance during times of trouble is simply practical. Another one to turn to for help resisting temptations, especially those of the sort that encourage us to deny our needs and good health is Sai Raya, the all benevolent Janya of good things (including good health).  With care, it is possible to call upon Sai Rhavë, the stern Janya of discipline, restriction, and strictness.

Where the first two Angels are inclined towards gentle guidance, the third is a Janya of harsher instruction by her nature. One must be prepared with which ever Angel/Janya they call upon to assist them to find synchronicity guiding them upon the healthiest and most thamelic path. Sai Vikhë will likely encourage you to find active solutions, especially when one's health and vitality is involved. Sai Raya will be more inclined towards providing you with the tools to solve your problems and wise instruction from unexpected places. Sai Rhavë has, in my experience, encouraged active problem solving by way of restricting alternate routes of solutions and providing immediate consequences for lapses in discipline.

Think of them as three teachers. The first teacher has a style of leading by examples and hands on guidance. The second teacher has the style of leading by the Socratic method and giving you tools with instruction on how to use them The third teacher's style is very autocratic and gives you instruction by the approved methods with a corrective measure for failure to perform at capacity.

Temptation in our lives are ultimately lessons that we are supposed to learn. Lessons in how to keep our tempers in check, how to handle others gently, and how to better care for ourselves are the most common ones that come up. The Angels/Janyati can be excellent teachers if we but ask for their aid.

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