
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Reading for the Intermediate Witch: Earth Magic

Title: Earth Magic: A Wisewoman's Guide To Herbal, Astrological, & Other Folk Wisdom
Author: Claire Nahmad
Publisher: Destiny Books   Date: 1994
ISBN: 0892814241

Don't let the age of this book fool you. Earth Magic is a very well written in depth examination of folk knowledge on a fairly wide array of material. The unique perspective that Ms. Nahmad has upon angelology is interesting because it is informed by the Christian over culture but different from what one maybe familiar with. Ms. Nahmad gives a strong introduction to astrology on the basis of each sign's qualities and meanings. It makes a good jumping off point for deeper study.

Ms. Nahmad does get a bit chatty in her discussion of herbalism in each chapter but manages to maintain an informative perspective. I find her addition of practical knowledge about how to gather materials and store them to be quite in line with what I learned at my own grandmother's knee as a girl. I will confess, however, I was dismayed when she mentioned using essential oils with out a carrier oil. While most people will not be prone to reacting to lavender oil, for example, one must always use a carrier oil with essential oils to prevent a skin reaction. It is even more important to test in a spot like the inside of your forearm if the carrier oil and essential oil mix will cause a reaction. If this happens, wash the oils off immediately with a good quality dish soap (I find Dawn brand works best.) and take an antihistamine if necessary. If you still desire to work with essential oils, use gloves and take all the precautions you would if you were cooking with hot peppers.

Ms. Nahmad organizes her book through the Julian calendar year with each section devoted to topics roughly appropriate for the season and the holidays of that time period. Her writing style is conversational and pleasant. The focus on folk magic is specifically that of a blended Christian folk magic and pagan folk magic. I wouldn't go so far as to say Christo-pagan folk magic because there are distinct differences between the two things presented. It is more of an intermediate ground for persons who are dealing with the two different faith systems at the same time or seeking to make their practices more in line with the over-culture.

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