
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Weather Magic (Part III): Dispelling Precipitation

In my previous post, I talked about how one could call rain (sleet, snow, whatever precipitation you desire) through simple magic. Sometimes, however, rain is not desired, needed, or even harmful to the situation. The folk practices that I had seen to summon rain had only a few correlating practices for dispersing it. I think this is because the place I grew up in had relatively few problems with flooding. And those problems were generally due to excess snow melt in the early spring. I can remember only a few years where rain was a problem because there was too much of it. Usually, it was a problem because it came too early in the season and the latter portion of the growing season was too dry.

Still, when I look at the news and I see a big snowstorm coming, I usually want to try to encourage the worst of it to go past us. Partly because I hate driving in snow, partly because I dislike shoveling snow, and partly because I want the kids to get the most out of every school day possible. (Education is very important in my family. We're working to instill such an attitude in the kids. It is not going quite as well as we'd like. Any suggestions for how to get kids to enjoy school a bit more would be appreciated! I have a few different spells that I use to move the worst weather around us.

The closest I have to a folk practice to move a storm away is prayer that is focused on seeing the worst of the storm pass us by. This generally works fairly well, to be honest. My spell craft functions upon sympathetic magical principles. When I am attempting to dry out sodden soil, I will take a small fireproof bowl and fill it with a bit of soil and some water, making sure that it matches the consistency of the soil's saturation. I then place my fireproof bowl on my tea light wax warmer (I have one that is ceramic and has the bowl removable.) and proceed to heat the soil and water mixture from below with a tea light. As this is occurring, I make a pronouncement that as the soil in the bowl dries, so shall the soil in the ground. This takes a little while to take full effect. The shortest time frame that I have seen where this one works is a week.

For a more immediate concern, I will take a twig and wave it in the air in the direction the prevailing wind is blowing. As I do so, I will command the storm to follow the wind. I then throw the twig in the direction that I would see the storm go, for a bit of extra emphasis. The larger the twig, the more wind will blow the storm along. Take care, however, in using this spell because it can potentially invoke a windstorm.

I also have a spell where I light a bit of incense and then extinguish it. In this manner, I am connecting with the clouds of the storm through the incense smoke. When I extinguish the incense, I disperse the clouds and their attendant precipitation. I usually say something along the lines of "Storm begone, I scatter you to the four winds."

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