
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Moura Accountability post no. 2

Dear Reader,

I have been super busy with housework. I suppose this is a good thing as it is part of my goals for Moura to get this place cleaned up in preparation for Eastre and Spring. The last week has been just busy because the kids had break from school. As a result, I was juggling keeping them entertained and keeping peace in the household when they got bored. It cut into my plan to do more meditation and writing. Still, I got some journal work done every day of the week. It was hard, but I accomplished it. I tried to meditate before bed and just wound up falling asleep.

Today, I have cleaned up almost the entire kitchen. I just have the stove to wash up and the microwave. The table has a clean tablecloth on it and the place mats got washed up yesterday. All of that happened because an excited child accidentally spilled a full glass of milk on the table. Fortunately, none of the important papers had any milk get on them. This lead to my sorting and filing a heap of papers that I kept forgetting about over the last two weeks. Yesterday was a day that I got a whole lot done.

Today has been as much of a challenge because the kids had a snow day due to this winter storm that blew through. My plan for tomorrow is to finish up the batch cooking that I was going to do today but didn't really have access to the table (my youngest was making masterpieces, I couldn't interrupt an artist at work). I am pleased to report that I wrote six devotional poems Friday. Yesterday, I wrote one. I'm going to try to write three today. If I can manage to do it, I want to try to write at least one devotional poem a day for the whole of Moura.

I am making good progress on my editing of my latest text. I am close to ready to ordering proof copies. It is my hope that it still reads well when I get it done. I feel like I am cutting out a lot of deadwood but I don't think that is a problem. It also has made clear to me that I have a few other things I need to fix and clean up as I go along. So, probably in the next two weeks I will be ready to work on proofs.

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