
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Gods preserve us from Shopmageddon.

 Dear Reader,

In case you noticed it, the no man's land of Turkey Day has been breeched and winter holiday shopping season has descended complete with musical accompaniment. Samhain has been pushed back into September but it still struggles forth despite the encroachment of Bing Crosby's music. I am retreating into my hermit hole with my knitting and crafting.

Just today, I went to pick up a few things for Turkey Day and it looked like tempers were getting short at the self check out kiosks. The line went all the way into the produce department and was three carts (approximately four people) wide. There were only two cash registers open. With a little luck, I got the one with the small line.

Shopmageddon, also known as Black Friday, looms and it troubles me. If I have errands to run, I don't want to get trampled, nor do I want them to be instantly sold out of the goods I am searching for. I hear you can make a modest shield with a large Tupperware lid and a yoga mat. I don't know if I would need it as it draws close to Yule and everyone goes mad. I should have stocked up on duct tape to make one.

The holiday shopping season, in honesty, is one I hate the most because the focus is moved away from friends and family to stuff. It is a season of greed and excess indulgence. Since getting diabetes, I've become more aware of these things because people don't stop and think about others, except as potential customers or potential show pieces for others to admire their stuff.

This reduction of humanity by the forces that sell us stuff and advertise everything under the sun didn't fully hit me until a few years ago. Some may argue that this focus shift is evidence of a decline in humanity away from the Divine. I would argue this is the evil side of mass marketing, instant fashion, and decadence in what is offered for increasing prices.

May we get through this season when we're all but ordered to go and keep up with the Joneses.

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