
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

July for Loki: Post No. 11 - Finally Caught up, for now.

Dear Reader,

In case it wasn't obvious by the ton of posts that I have been slapping up over the last few days, I was a bit behind on this meme. Somewhere out in the blogosphere there is a list of prompts for the entire month. I had access to it years a go but I lost the link when I had to wipe the computer and reinstall everything. Thank goodness I had the sense to back up all of the important information to thumbdrives.

Loki's patting me on the shoulder and telling me that I've done well with this project so far. I really feel like I haven't been putting out enough quality content but he says that heartfelt is what matters here. A lot of people are scared of Loki and that confuses me. I, however, went through a phase where I avoided him. I suppose I should talk about that for a moment because I can't think of anything else.

It was the early 2000s and Loki was making his presence known more and more. To the point that my roomate at college said that if I didn't at least acknowledge him, she had a feeling things were going to get even weirder and the weirdness that was going on was quite enough for her. An example of the weirdness was watching a plant putting out roots at a terrific rate and literally begin spinning clockwise in the bowl of water I had put the cutting in to root. No one touched that bowl, well, no one corporeal did. Loki just sat there beside me, smug as can be. I still avoided saying his name and did my best to say that he was just my imagination. 

Then a few years later when my life got really rough, Loki made his presence known very clearly. I was still sort of in my phase of "I'll honor you but I'm going to stay over here and you stay over there." Then someone harmful came into my life. They claimed that Loki sent them. At first, I didn't realize how harmful they were and I believed their claim. Then they began to take advantage of me and deliberately trigger my c-ptsd to further take advantage of me. This was when weird stuff began happening that made it harder for that person to be in my area. It culminated in a very large flock of crows roosting in the tree behind where I lived, terrifying the guy into leaving. I forgot to mention, this was a large tree and it was the middle of winter. The tree looked as if it were in full leaf because of all the birds roosting in it, cawing at night

The guy and I had another altercation and the Morrigan stepped in, telling me that I should break his neck. The guy laughed and told me to show him how I'd have placed my hands. So I lightly set my hands as Morrigan directed me and the guy blanched because he realized all I had to do was push hard upwards and I could actually break his neck. He left and never returned. Through out the entire year that this creeper was in the picture, Loki kept telling me he was bad news but I just wasn't listening because I wasn't ready to hear what Loki had to say. But Loki kept doing things to make sure that I knew that Loki wasn't the reason why that guy was around.

Number one, when that guy was around and he tried to claim he was a priest of Loki, Loki laughed at him and said that I had a better shot at being his priestess. Loki then began mocking this guy's magical history and telling me how much of a fraud he was. I figured that the guy wasn't as experienced as he claimed and he was trying to impress me. 

Number two, Loki made it difficult for the guy to reach me. I think he enlisted some help from his jotun relatives because the guy was regularly stuck driving through awful weather to get to my place. Beloved, on the other hand, usually had a pleasant trip and it was uneventful except for the occasional deer running across the road.

Number three, Loki all but physically manifested to wake me up when someone else was trying to break into my apartment. I, being in my 20s and a bit reckless, took my short sword, flung open the door to the fire escape and screamed at the guy climbing up "What the hell do you want?" I was half naked, weapon in hand, and pissed off. The would be intruder pissed himself and left quickly. 

He began with the stupid jokes and smart ass comments not too long after the third incident happened. He was just there being friendly. It was his idea that I put a really hot pepper into the pot of chili I made for Beloved when Beloved said that my chili was bland. Since then Beloved talks about that chili, the "thermonuclear chili," and giggles. It was a ridiculous scenario from the cooking to the eating. All because Loki said, "Hey, let's really add some spice."

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