
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Monday, July 20, 2020

July for Loki: Post No. 17 - Why this string of blog posts?

Dear Reader,

This started as a meme in 2012 inspired by Galina Krasskrova. I have strong opinions on Ms. Krasskrova and her work, but this meme is something else. Way back in 2012, it was more organized. It has waxed and waned over the years. The original list of themes for each day of the month is buried in the depths of the internet. I'm sure some intrepid soul could excavate them, but I honestly don't know if it is worth it.

So, the question remains as to why I do this (or at least attempt to do this) every year? The answer is both simple and complicated. At its simplest manifestation, I am a writer and if I don't write I get crabby and would probably explode. I have had a devotional relationship with Loki for a very long time. Writing about him just makes sense. It would be like writing about my family. He's a big part of my life and I write about him elsewhere off-line. I keep a prayer journal. I keep a book of shadows where I write about my mystical experiences with him. I have a digital version of the prayer journal. I write about him and to him a lot. This is just a natural extension of all that writing.

The more complicated answer is I want to show the world that Loki is not the monster that Snorri and other made him out to be. I want to show the Lie-Smith is actually a truth teller more often then not. I want to show that the Mother of Monsters is the patron of all outcasts and misfits. I want to show that the Wolf's Father is a loving figure in the lives of his chosen people. I want to illustrate how Scar-Lip has a droll sense of humor that goes beyond the slap-stick humor of tying his junk to a goat and playing tug-o-war. I want to present how the Sly One can help you out of sticky situations with nothing but wit and inspired words. I want people to know how the Bound-God walks free among humanity and is down for breaking the wheel of oppression that is grinding us into dust. I want to make sure that people know that the World-Breaker is the bringer of growth and transformation, not just destruction.

I end this post with something that Freyr said to me about Loki.

He is the one who breaks the seed coat open so that the plant may grow.

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