
Thoughts, lessons, and theology from an eclectic witch from a varied background.

Friday, July 10, 2020

July for Loki: Post No. 7 - Sassy much?

Dear Reader,

The thing about "godphone" is you don't always have control over it. And Loki has OPINIONS on things that he shares with me regularly. And, because Loki is not generally a demure, delicate thing, those opinions get voiced with a hefty dose of sass and attitude. Some people like to describe Loki in the frame of 'sassy gay friend'. I think that those people are not really getting the big picture and just reducing Loki to a stereotype.

Loki speaks fluent sarcasm and his native language is CAPSLOCK. If he's thinking that you're doing something dumb, he'll let you know in a big way. Especially if you can hear him. If he has the idea that you're avoiding something important, same deal. Always quick with a wisecrack and quicker with a comeback, Loki is quite the conversationalist.

I'll admit it, I've had times where he's said "That's something so dumb that even I wouldn't do it to make Skadi laugh." I've had times where he's seriously questioned my fashion choices - "Why are you dressing so conservative? Are you going to a funeral?" (Loki the fashionista is a thing. Just ask around and you'll find out why Loki has the modern kenning Admiral Fabulous. It goes together with him dryly stating the thing that you're avoiding on a regular basis. Also Loki is the god of glitter. Full stop.)

Loki will make jokes and quips about stuff happening in life. When I am going through a period of being grumpy and miserable, he's been known to say that I need "vitamin D" to cheer up. When I've been struggling all day and I just feel like throwing in the towel, Loki comes along an will point out all the little ways that I accomplished things. He won't do it in a snide, sarcastic fashion but there is a bit of sass in how he does it (usually to get me out of my grumpy mood). 

He regularly says that my life needs more salt in it. Usually that's when I'm on social media and I'm getting annoyed with people. That's his way of telling me to go have the argument. He's a bit of an instigator at times. I have lost count the number of times he's told dirty jokes to me at times when I really need to be focused on something else (like helping my kids with math). He'll just air drop this colossally BAD joke on me and insist I share it with people. He is the King of Dad Jokes.

He will inspire me to harmless pranks on my family. The one that Beloved still chuckles about was the day I put in a card with "i believe in you" spelled out with an eyeball followed by words. I then, at Loki's urging, put googly eyes on stuff in his lunch box and put in a note asking him if he felt like he was being watched. Loki likes to get a laugh. He especially enjoys it if the laughter comes from word play and puns. 

For him flyting is as much about humor as it is about being a dick. He wouldn't insult you if he didn't like you. He'd just ignore you if he didn't like you. If he really didn't like you, he'd engineer a mousetrap like situation where you screw yourself over all because you were too proud to not do that one thing that sets it all into motion.

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